Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 to honor veterans and victims of all the wars fought. In the USA Veterans day officially falls on November 11, but if it ends up being on a weekday festivities will usually fall on the nearest weekend in order to have the most amount of people possible to attend. If it falls on a Saturday then people take Friday off and if it falls on a Sunday then we will have Monday off. Businesses don't have to close down for that day but it is just a sign of respect for them if you do. Other ways you can honor a veteran is by just telling them thank you, volunteer to help injured or homeless veterans, and also you can proudly present your american flag, show your colors. These are just few of the many ways you can honor a veteran and I believe you should. They sacrificed so much for our country for us. They put their lives on the line in order for us to keep our freedom. I think that deserves a holiday, i think everyone should honor and respect veterans for what they did and what they helped us achieve. What they helped us keep.