“I hated poverty. Poverty is more a choice than anything else, and I can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard I want to work, and I decided that I would change.”

This quote by Dr. Ben Carson is saying that poverty is a choice. Not only that but he says that the choice is how hard you are willing to work. This quote does not only talk about poverty but about a lot of other things. Whatever you want is obtainable as long as you work hard for it. If you want something like getting out of poverty than you can have it but you must be willing to work very long and hard to get it. If you want something to change you can’t just wait around and have it change by itself you have to make it change through hard work. In order to make things change you must do what is right and not do it the wrong way. Stealing and robbing is bad the best way the only way to make you life better is by making the right choices. If you make the right choices everything will fall into place. If you want it to fall into place then you must commit to doing good and nothing but good.