Spring Break

My spring break this year was not that memorable, I did not travel, or meet any new people, I didn’t even go out to see a new movie. Even if it was a “break” it didn’t really feel like a good break or a long enough break. I guess this was because I was working mostly everyday, waking up at 7 and working until 3 or 4, the days felt pretty long, but oddly the vacation didn’t feel long at all. Well when I wasn’t working I was either helping around my house: cleaning, organizing, excetera, or doing the homework I was assigned. I did have a little free time though which was fun I was able to visit my friends house and hang out for a little. All in all it was a good break from school even though we were still assigned homework to finish, even when we’re not in school we still got work to do. That is life never ending work till the end. There is good that comes out of working though. When you work hard you earn a lot. Those earnings the more you have the better life you can have. Of course money is not everything you also have to make the right decisions .