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- “A man without a goal is like a ship without a ru...
- Memorial Day Weekend On this years Memorial Day ...
- “When a deep injury is done us, we never recover ...
- Memorial Day Memorial Day has an unclear origi...
- “Dare to do right” Today the quote that will hel...
- Ultrasound Technician Duties and responsibili...
- Brook In a short video we saw a girl by the nam...
- “Dare to stand alone.” This wonderful statement ...
- North Korea Recently in a couple of my classes t...
- “If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuin...
- Senior Care Technician Duties and responsibil...
- Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips Work hard Fo...
- Physical therapist Duties and responsibilities:...
- “In any moment of decision, the best thing to do ...
- “Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong” ...
- Pathologist Duties and responsibilities: Medical...
- “It’s a great moment when someone has character t...
- “I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor....
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Memorial Day Weekend
Friday, May 26, 2017
“When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.”
Memorial Day
Memorial Day has an unclear origin story, some believe numerous communities started the memorial gatherings. Nevertheless, It is an American holiday that started in 1971 as an event to honor Union soldiers, who had died during the American Civil War but after World War I, it was extended to include all men and women, who died in any U.S. war or U.S. military action. So now officially it is known as a day in May to set aside in recognition of those who have fallen while in active military service (unofficially it is a day that marks the beginning of the summer season). Originally it was called “Decorations Day” and was observed on May 30 but recently it was changed and is officially observed on the last Monday in May. Some ways one can celebrate Memorial Day is by heading to a parade and supporting those who have fallen, participating in a “National Moment of Remembrance” honoring those who were lost, decorating with American flags your neighborhood, or just thanking a veteran for their service. All of these examples can be great ways to honor Memorial Day. I personally will decorate with American culture, that is how I will honor Memorial Day. I think memorial day is very important because it makes us realize how important the military is. They are the people who put their lives on the line in order to protect us. Without them who knows where we would be.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
“Dare to do right”
Today the quote that will help you live a good life is actually a dare provided by Rex D. Pinegar, will you accept? He is daring you to do something good, not something foolish. In life the only dares you should every accept are dares that make you choose the right. For example, say someone dared you to never be late to school for the rest of the school year that is a good dare it is helping you be better by getting to school on time. An example of a bad dare would be if someone dared you to ditch school with them, now that is a bad dare. You should only accept good dares. Those who dare you to do bad things are fools and not worthy of being your friend. They are fools just like you if you choose to accept their bad dares. Never choose the wrong always choose the right, those words are what you should live by and you don't have to listen to me. But Rex Pinegar is daring you to do the right, you don't want to back down so accept and choose the right.
Ultrasound Technician
Duties and responsibilities: Ultrasound technicians usually work at physician offices, clinics or hospitals. There they do a number of things such as adjust equipment for specific procedures, take video recording of ultrasound images, and inform the physician for diagnostic purposes. The duties of an ultrasound technician vary depending on the work environment , some look at fetuses and others look at veins.
Salary: $70,880
Education: All your require is some formal training and an Associate’s degree, diploma or certificate; which should take around 1 to 2 years.
Demand: It has been projected that the need will grow by a whole 26 percent.
After researching this career path way this seems like a very viable option. With the average pay and the low education needed I feel like this would be a good option to go with.
Monday, May 22, 2017
In a short video we saw a girl by the name of Brook stood tall, literally. In the video she talks about how sometimes she's bullied because she is six feet tall and towers over many people. She always sticks out in the crowd and because of this she is ridiculed. Nevertheless that does not stop her she does not care if she is made fun of she doesnt do wrong and retaliates. She helps her friends follow the right path and never lets them do a wrong thing. She is an example of how even if your stand alone you can still stand proud.
“Dare to stand alone.”
North Korea
Thursday, May 18, 2017
“If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
Senior Care Technician
Duties and responsibilities: They aid doctors, nurses and other medical professionals by looking out for patients and taking notes on their care. Some help monitor food, clothing, and help them bathe. In addition some will be required to monitor blood pressure and heart rate as well as temperature. With all that they also help promote good health to the patients.
Salary: $25,710
Education: To become one you require a certificate in nursing assisting, some may require on-the-job training. It does not require much to become a care technician.
Demand: It is projected that since 2014 the need for nursing assistants will increase a whopping 18 percent as of 2024, which is higher than average.
The reason I chose to research this career pathway was because I am going to take health courses that will lead me to possibly become this. I do find it interesting but I am not dead set on this career. I am interested in other careers but I do see this career as a viable option.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Phillip Riggs’ Four Success Tips
Work hard
Follow your passion
Don’t chase after money
Serve others
With these four tips by Mr. Riggs you can go far in whatever you choose to do in life. The reason of how these four tips can help you is easily said. These four tips can help you choose the path you wish to go on. This helps you decide what career you might choose and what life you will be living. Firstly, in life no matter what you will always have to work hard because nothing will come to you easily or without work. Those who do not work hard will be lazy, self-centered and uneducated; they will be left behind by those who choose to better themselves through hard work. You must work hard but not at something you do not want to do. Do what you love to do, if you do something because you're forced to or for some other reason you will definitely grow to hate it and not want to do it. You will just live a miserable life. Thats why its important to chase after your passion. Speaking of chasing something you shouldn't chase after is money. Money is not the answer to all of life's problems. You cannot just get money and fix everything. Lastly, work hard to serve others. You mustn’t be selfish those who are selfish won't go far. If you help others others will help you and you will move up and become better. You must always work hard at whatever your passion is. Don't go into a job just because you can make a lot of money doing it you'll just grow to hate it and want to quit. Finally, never forget to be selfless those who are not will be despised and put down. Whatever career you choose make sure you follow these four tips if you don’t you will likely fail. Remember work hard ant what you love and not what pays more and be selfless.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Physical therapist
Salary: $84,020
Education: To become a physical therapist one requires to first earn a bachelor’s degree in a health related field, next complete a doctor of physical therapy degree program. Finally you just need to meet the state’s licensing requirements.
The next steps are optional; complete a residency and obtain board certification.
The next steps are optional; complete a residency and obtain board certification.
Demand: It has been projected that from 2014 to 2024 the demand for physical therapist will grow by a whole 34% (this is higher than the average increase for a job).
I really think this job is cool, I enjoy helping people get better and teaching them how to get better. Helping people get back on their feet after a problem would be a great career option for me. I think that in the future this is a career choice I would gladly follow. It is not that difficult and the pay is not bad.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
“In any moment of decision, the best thing to do is the right thing.”
Monday, May 8, 2017
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong”
This student success statement is a very straight forward and to the point. It is telling us that we all have to follow the right path and not go down the wrong path. It is telling us that we need to always do and choose the right thing because when we do not want anything bad to ever happens to us. When we are doing wrong things we aren’t gaining anything we are just doing the wrong thing and that can lead to getting in trouble or having consequences that we don’t want. For example when someone cheats on a test they aren’t gaining anything. They are going to get a good score on the test but we don’t gain any of the knowledge required because they didn’t understand the test. Also you are very likely to get caught and if you are you will have huge consequences which will not help you gain anything but you will lose your chance at having a good life. We need to always do the right thing or else we won't ever gain anything. If we do good then we will start gaining but you will never get anything because you are doing the wrong thing. There is never a good reason to choose the wrong, you must always do good and choose the right.
Salary: $191,098
Education: To become a pathologist one must first get a Medical license; board certification is optional but often preferred. In addition you will also need completion of medical school, become a M.D. and a residency.
Demand:The job demand is expected to increase 14% in the period between 2014 and 2024.
This job seems cool but for me I don’t find it interesting. This job did not really catch my eye and I’m not going to follow a career I’m not interested in.
Thursday, May 4, 2017
“It’s a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time.”
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that one way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.”
This is a very powerful quote. It means that you should always keep a promise no matter what. When you say you are going to do something you need to fulfill your promise. If you want to feel good then you can but only after you accomplish your goal. When you accomplish your goal you feel good because you did good. You can not feel good if you break a promise and do bad its impossible. You must always be your best. Always accomplish your promises it will help in your life. If you promise your mom that you will be home by 9. You have to at home by 8:59. When you do come on time you will feel happy because you kept your promise. If you didn't come home on time you probably would have received consequences because you broke your promise and did the wrong thing.
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