Duties and responsibilities: Medical pathologists are physicians who diagnose and study diseases. Pathologists mainly examine body fluids or specimens, including blood, urine and bone marrow, all this to study and determine if they have a disease and what it is. They also may conduct toxicology tests seeking the presence of illegal drugs and poisons, run a hospital blood bank and test patients' immune functions to detect allergies and toleration of transplant organs.These are but a few of the duties of a pathologist.
Salary: $191,098
Education: To become a pathologist one must first get a Medical license; board certification is optional but often preferred. In addition you will also need completion of medical school, become a M.D. and a residency.
Demand:The job demand is expected to increase 14% in the period between 2014 and 2024.
This job seems cool but for me I don’t find it interesting. This job did not really catch my eye and I’m not going to follow a career I’m not interested in.