The ultimate choice is to be a CTR person - to always choose the right 24/7
The only choice in life you truly have to make is whether or not you are a ctr person. If you choose that then all other choices will be made for you. If you choose the right then you will always know what the right thing to do is. If you decide to not be a ctr person then you are not going to go down the right path. You can only choose the right in order to life a good life. You can not choose the wrong and feel right, it is impossible. If you choose the right then you don't need to worry about choices that will come to you because it's already answered. You will choose the right choice. If you decide to be a ctr person then any choice that comes to you will be easy you will not hesitate to choose the right. You have to be a ctr person 100% of the time. You have to commit totally or else you are not a true ctr person. You cannot choose the right 90% of the time and the other 10% choose the wrong. That is not how it works you have to commit. It is easy to choose the wrong what is hard is being a ctr person 100% of the time. If your friend tells you to steal with him you don't hesitate and you say no. It does not matter if he is your friend he is making you choose the wrong. There is no situation where choosing the wrong is good. You must do good to feel good. You cannot do bad and feel good, it is impossible.