Challenges Teens Face Today

In today's society many teens face big issues in their day to day lives. Issues can be from alcohol and drugs to broken homes. Even school as well as sex and their emotions can be stressful for a teen. Now a days kids need to be aware of issues and have a solution in mind. In my daily life I know that for sure school is an issue I face. I struggle to keep my grades up but I have to do it to succeed. I sometimes stay for tutoring in order to help my grade or also ask for extra credit and see if the teacher could give me some. I also face drugs and alcohol people sometimes offer, but i always refuse. I think being in Mr. Haymore's class helped me. Knowing what a ctr person is I now know what need to be. I do know I am not at the democracy level yet but that is my goal. I have learned to not hang out with the wrong crowd but I also learned that you must help people. So instead of just leaving the wrong crowd I can help them. I can tell them about being ctr and what they can do to be ctr as well. I think that the thing that teens need the most is guidance. We need guidance, we are young and do not know very much as of right now but that changes as we get older. We need to make sure teens get guidance from the right person. An example of a good role model is Mr. Haymore. He teaches us how to be ctr people, how we can be better students and better people.