World War II

World War II was a global war that lasted six years. The war was fought between 1939 and 1945. There were two main sides, the Allies and the Axis. The Axis was Germany, Italy, and Japan the axis was Britain, France,Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America. World War II started around September 3rd in Europe after the Prime Minister declared war on Germany after a unprovoked attack on Poland
.This war was the most widespread war in history, over 61,000,000 died from the allied side and over 12,000,000 died from the axis side. The war did not happen in just one place many places like Russia, Europe, and Africa. Although the conflict began with them a lot of people joined in. After Hitler died and was overrun by soldiers. from America. the United States ended the war when it dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Having agreed on terms and conditions we were able settle the problem and end the war.