My Christmas Vacation

During my three weeks of for christmas I did not do that much. My days were wake up work and go back to sleep, well atleast most of them. Some days I would be able to just sleep in and not get up until I wanted too. Every Sunday I would get up early and run with SRLA over the break we ran two half marathons. Those were fun even though I was really tiered by the end. I was really tired after the first one because before, during and after the run it was raining. The rain was fun but it also made my clothes heavy and my socks wet, running in the rain is fun though and I recommend it. On actual Christmas day we spent it at my grandmas house, we had fun. We distributed presents and it was nice to hang out with my family. For the new year we decided to go out instead of staying in. We went to Nevada and it was freezing. The temparutre was always below 30 degrees fahrenheit. I know that there are other places that are way colder but to me it was freezing, but all things cosidered it was fun.Those were my first two weeks and the third and final week was my homework week. The last week I finished all my homework, it was only for one class but it was quite an amount. It was to read and anotate a entire book, as well as do three essays. All in all the homework was not that difficult. The break as a whole I think was pretty fun and relaxing, although I did get sick for a few days and that was no fun. Other than that it was a good little break.