"Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental and spiritual well-being"

This quote is by Mr. C. S. Haymore and tells us that we must realize and face the things we do. It is our mind that controls our body we control every single action we do, good and bad. We must face what we do head on. If you cannot be proud of something you did than should you have done it in the first place. Ye must look out for ourselves if we do bad things then bad things will happen to us. You are the only one that can look out for you. You must take care of yourself. If you don’t care for yourself then your mind and body will just rot. We can take care of ourselves by doing what’s right. You must choose to do the right every time. That is how you will be responsible for your body, mind and spirit. If you choose the right then you will have a healthy body, mind and spirit. If you choose the right then you will have a healthy body, mind and spirit.