
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

“Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly.”

This quote, like many here in this blog, is helping us live our lives with prosperity and goodness. If you feel that something isn’t right then you shouldn’t be doing it. Graham’s quote argues that if you’re in a situation where you feel that something is right then you can do it but if it’s wrong you should not do it. For example if you are helping someone feed the homeless, deep down inside you’ll feel good because you’re doing something right. If you’re helping someone steal then you will be doing wrong and you will feel nothing but bad inside. You must always choose to do something right and never do something wrong. Then you will feel good inside about what you’re doing. If you do good then everything else will fall into place. You must do good to have a good life. If you choose to do bad then you will feel bad. You must always choose the right or else you will end up in the streets regretting all the bad things you ever did.