
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

“Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for ‘tis better to be alone than in bad company”

This quote, like all the quotes in this blog, is very true. It tells you straight forward that the only people you should get along with is good people because if you hang around the wrong crowd than you willbe choosing the wrong. Of course if they are hanging out with you and doing good then that’s even better because you yourself are choosing the right as well as helping them choose the right. Do not get involved with bad people of you will become a bad person. If you befriend good people then you shall be a good person, if you follow their lead. Once you become a good person and ctr all the time then you can help others follow you. You can be the one that stands and helps others do good. If you are with the wrong people and do bad things then that is wrong, but if you are with bad people and you are helping them do good and be good then you are doing the right thing. It is not about yourself it is about helping others. If you can help even one person do good and be good then you did your job. If you help two people even better, then they will help people and so on and so on. That is how we make this world a better place by helping just one person. That is why you must be with the right crowd if you all help each other than you will all be and do good. Then you all help others and then the cycle continues that is why it is important to not let bad people influence your mind. If the people you are with want to be and do good then you are in the right place.